Title: Tales from the Mana Crypt #100 Expressive Iteration A Magic the Gathering Comic A single page spread with a cascade of sketches from previous issues of Tales from the Mana Crypt. Included are drawings of Magic: the Gathering characters such as Elesh Norn, Elspeth Tirel, Vraska, Tyvar Kell, Kaito Shizuki, Jace Beleren, Rowan and Will Kenrith, and Ruby. There are also the Magic psychographic characters, Vorthos, Spike, and Timmy, as well as specific cards like Dark Confidant, Delighted Halfling, Llanowar Elves, and Pheldagriff. At the base of this spread of sketches, there is an illustration of the writer and artist of the comic, hard at work poring over their drawing tablets. Text: Whether it was 1 or 100 pages, thank you for reading Tales from the Mana Crypt! Here’s to 100 more, and more exciting things on the horizon.
Published On: May 24, 2024

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