Tales from the Mana Crypt #101 – The Modern Horizon A Magic the Gathering comic. Panel 1: A man is hunched over in front of a glowing religious symbol – the Modern Horizons 3 set symbol stuck to the top of a pole. The man looks to be in pain, as if the glow of the symbol is hurting him. Man: God...if anyone is listening, I need help. I...I don't know if I can survive more spoilers. Panel 2: The same man has their hands outstretched with a pained expression as cards scatter in the air around them. In a different shot, they are seen praying at a cliff’s edge. Man: I feel so tired of new cards, yet when there's a break, I look at leaks. I don't even play competitively, but I want to know every card. Please, relieve me of this FOMO. Off-screen (from sky): Raise your head, my child. Panel 3: Clouds part to reveal the figure of Richard Garfield, looking similarly to the art for the Magic card “Richard Garfield PhD”. The man raises their hands in shock, and their face has an expression of shock as well. Man: Richard Garfield?! Richard Garfield: Yes, PhD. Now listen closely. Magic was meant to be a game where one player couldn't know every card. Know this and enjoy the game as I intended. Panel 4: The man’s eyes open wide and glow a bright white, their hands out, as if receiving some religious epiphany. Man: Yes...thank you Dr. Garfield! Now, I understand your vision! but there is one last thing which plagues me. Panel 5: The man turns away from Richard Garfield, their face contorted with pain. Richard Garfield conjures up a spectral deckbox as wisps of magic floating all around them, preparing to conjure something else. Man: When I ignore spoilers, cards spike in price and I can't find or afford them. Richard Garfield: I tell you the truth, blessed is the one who supports their LGS and matches their playgroup's power level... Panel 6: Richard Garfield lifts a newly conjured object aloft, spirals of magic emanating from it – a home inkjet printer. Richard Garfield: ...For they may accept the salvation I offer. Man (Off-Screen): High resolution inkjet home printer?!
Published On: June 7, 2024

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