Panel 1: A student dressed in apprentice wizards' robes stands, atop a shattered bridge, leading to a shattered mansion surrounding by mountains and its own floating ruins - Markov Manor. The student, named Nora, draws in a notebook. Small panels are visible in the notebook. Text: My name is Nora. I'm a Prismari member of the Strixhaven story circle. Thanks to the Omenpaths, I'm here on Innistrad, drawing references of Markov Manor for our next release. Unknown to Nora, a figure with long white hair and a black trenchcoat floats behind her as she draws. Unknown Person: So you're the little mouse that's been scurrying around here. Panel 2: The unknown person is revealed to be Sorin Markov - a handsome vampire with flowing white shirt beneath his long coat, and white hair that flows in the wind. He looks down at Nora with contempt, Nora's back is still to him. Nora sweats, her eyes wide in shock as she clutches her notebook close to her chest. Sorin: Brave, and foolish to be spying on the lord of Innistrad. But show me what you've gathered, before I end your life. Nora (Thinking): T-that must be Sorin Markov..!! Panel 3: Sorin moves with unearthly speed, snatching the notebook from Nora's hands, and she panics. Nora (Yelling): No - please, wait! Sorin: Now let's see... Panel 4: Sorin's hands hold the notebook - on the front is a cover featuring a highly stylized depiction of Sorin and Ugin, a ghostly dragon. Both are drawn with exaggerated handsomeness, large sparkly eyes, and pouty lips. The title: "Ghostly Flames". Panel 5: Sorin looks confused, flipping through the book. Nora's face has lost all expression, her emotion drained. Sorin: Though it is...innacurate, you have clearly worked very hard on this...I'll have to read it. Nora: No, no, just end my life, please.
Published On: November 23, 2023

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