Title: Tales from the Mana Crypt #83 - Doppeljanker Panel 1: A woman in a sweater (Natalie) walks up to a table with three people seated: a man with his hair in thick braids (Andre), a bearded man with glasses (Dave) with a man standing behind him with a bag on his head, and a blonde man with a cowlick (Steven). Natalie: Hey, do you guys need a fourth for commander? Oh - my bad, didn't see your...friend behind you, Dave. Andre: Oh, you can join, that's just his doppeljanker. Natalie: ...His what? Steven: You know, a doppeljanker! Panel 2: With narration from Steven, the scene cuts to a young man, grinning with manic glee as he looks at a pair of magic cards. A twin of the man in a clown costume leans over his shoulder - his doppeljanker. Steven: It's all of your worst magic impulses as an uncanny mockery of you, whispering temptations! "one land one keep"? That's your doppeljanker. Drafting five colors, no fixing? Doppeljanker. Clown doppeljanker: Skip your land drop and discard to hand size! You can reanimate it in three turns! Steven: Drew too many cards and milled out? Doppeljanker. Upgraded a casual deck too hard, and now it doesn't spark joy? Doppeljanker. Panel 3: Andre looks to the side and up at Natalie, standing to his left and just behind him. He has an anxious look on his face, eyebrows creased and mouth taut, his hands clasped out in front of him like he's making a point. Natalie covers her mouth with a fist, perplexed by what she is seeing and hearing. Andre: Dave's doppeljanker makes him play mill and discard, even though he'll be archenemy. Everybody has one, but if they're ignored, they stay dormant and invisible. Natalie:...So how come I can see that one whispering behind Dave? Andre: They can take form if their host gives in to them. It takes a big shock, but...Well, we were playing a game... Panel 4: Narration: Two games ago... Andre (Off-Screen):...Okay, I'll bounce all of your permanents, attack you for 1, then Pass the turn! Dave sits with a smile on his face, his Doppeljanker with the bag on its head behind him with his hand on Dave's shoulder. A nightmarish creature made of shadows and teeth looms behind them both, a manifestation of a creature called Umbris. Dave's Doppeljanker hands Dave a deckbox. Dave: I'll just scoop! Dave's Doppeljanker:...The only way to be safe is to exile their whole library...This wouldn't happen if they didn't have any cards in hand... Dave:...Hey, mind if I play my Umbris deck for the next game?
Published On: December 8, 2023

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