Tales from the Mana Crypt #84 It's a Magical Life Part 1 Panel 1: A man named Ron, wearing a festive holiday sweater decorated with black lotuses sits in an armchair. The calendar behind him is marked December and a Christmas tree sits off to the side. He is picking through cards from scattered deckboxes, and pulling one out of its card sleeve. Off Screen: Hey Ron, are we playing magic when we visit your family this year? Ron: Yeah, I'll bring some commander decks, maybe Modern? Oh man - I haven't updated Jund in a minute. I've still got Dark Confidant in here?! Panel 2: Ron's shadow is cast over the card "Dark Confidant," set down on a table as he stands up. The solitary card looks lonesome on the side table. Ron (Off-Screen): Sorry Bob*, I'll find a better home for you after I pack. Text: *Dark confidant's nickname. Pro Player Bob Maher Jr got to design the card by winning the 2004 Magic Invitational. The original art bears his likeness. Panel 3: Zooming in on the Dark Confidant card, the art transitions to a hand-drawn style matching the rest of the comic, and the Dark Confidant in the art changes expression to look disgruntled. Ron (Off-Screen):Maybe if I pray hard enough to R&D, you'll be playable again... Panel 4: Inside of a building resembling a post office, the Dark Confidant slams his fist onto the counter. Behind the counter, another character from a card - Dragon's Rage Channeler, or "Darcy" - wearing robes and leather straps with dragon-like claws looks through a binder labelled "Card Requests". Darcy's wears an anxious expression on her face. Narration: At the Card Allocation Office in The Realm of Magic, Dark Confidant gets the news. Dark Confidant: ...I've been removed from another deck?! You gotta be delirious; Ron loves me! Darcy: Sorry Bob. Your time's been off on the Horizon for a while. Dark Confidant: Someone's gotta want me, Darcy! I'm getting a reprint soon - at mythic! Darcy: I'll tell you if I surveil anything competitive for you, Bob. Maybe in the sideboard. But look, you're holding up the line, and I got deck slots to fill. Panel 5: The line of other card characters behind Dark Confidant are seen: Shardless Agent hanging upside down; Sheoldred with her palm to her chin with an arrogant expression; and Delighted Halfling, who has their hands at their hips, a mocking smile on their lips. Shardless Agent: Sorry "Great One," no room for you in MY cascade. How's ol' Bloodbraid these days? Sheoldred: Face it Bob, you're too fair. It's okay to punish your opponents instead of your caster. Delighted Halfling: I said find one more toughness, or trade in for store credit - before you're BULK! "Great at any cost," right? Dark Confidant disgustedly throws his hand up in a half hearted goodbye as he turns and makes his exit. He is backlit as he leaves, his front shrouded in shadow. Dark Confidant: Yeah, yeah, I've heard enough. I'll make like a Mox and Jet, happy? Darcy, I'll be at the An-Havva Inn if you find anything. Happy holidays, all of you. Text: To be continued...
Published On: December 22, 2023

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