Tales from the Mana Crypt #86 It's a Magical Life Part 3 Panel 1 Dark Confidant a.k.a Bob continues to look up at the sky from the bridge, contemplating the words he had just spoken: “I wish I had never been printed”. Narrator: Back down below: Bob:...of course no one's listening. Panel 2 A flash of light is visible from the sky, as Bob puts their head in their hands. Sound Effect: Flash! Off-screen, toward the sky: Help! I've missed my mark! Bob: Heh...now I'm even hearing things. Get it together Bob, you're not Asylum Visitor. Panel 3 The Dark Confidant notices the source of the speech coming from the sky, and is startled to attention, scanning the night sky for what it could be. Off-sceen, toward the sky, now bigger: Please! I'm going to fall in the river! Bob:...What?! Were my prayers actually answered?! Panel 4 Zooming out, we see Restora falling from the sky like a shooting star. She poses, overly dramatic, trying to entice Bob to catch her before she falls into the water below. Bob’s face is stoic and somber as he absorbs the silliness of the situation. Restora: Oh, if only a card could leap into action to catch me! Oh, and! Maybe they'd realize that being printed was a gift in the process! Bob (thinking):...Why did I get my hopes up? Panel 5 Bob peers over the edges of the bridge as Restora’s screams disappear and she lands with a splash into the water below. Panel 6 Bob stands back up straight, with a serious expression. A finger taps his shoulder from behind. Bob: Okay, back to wallowing. Panel 7 Bob turns, startled to see Restora, now soaked with river water, pointing at him with an accusatory finger. Restora: Hey, why didn't you catch me? Bob: Wha-! Because I would fall in too!! Restora: I would have blinked you to safety! Bob: Are you stupid?! Just blink yourself then! Restora: I can only blink non-angels! Ugh, this would have been easy if you weren't so selfish! Bob: Well, excuse me for being mono-black! Wait -
Published On: December 29, 2023

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