TftMC 88 Tales from the Mana Crypt #88 It's a Magical Life Part 5 Panel 1 The Dark Confidant, aka Bob floats alongside Restora, a wingless angel with perpetually closed eyes. They drift through an ethereal space filled with floating screens. Bob: Where are we? Restora: Between worlds – sort of like phasing. Here we can view memories of you, from the world where you were printed. Here is one from the time of your first printing: Restora gestures to a screen where we see a teenage girl and boy, Emi and Kanou respectively. Panel 2 Emi looks at a card, freshly opened from a booster pack, as Kanou peers over her shoulder. Emi: My rare deals damage to me? Who would play this? Kanou: Trade you my Blazing Archon for it? Panel 3 Kanou and Emi sit at a table, finishing a game of Magic. Kanou gestures with a card in his hand, indicating that he is casting it, with a sheepish smile. Emi has an expression of comical frustration on her face. Kanou: Nekrataal your last blocker, attack for lethal? Emi: How do you keep beating me!? It’s like... Panel 4 Bob and Restora finish watching the scene play out. Bob looks irritated but vindicated listening to Emi continue to besmirch him. Restora smiles gently as she watches his reaction. Emi (off-screen): find your answers before that stupid dark confidant kills you! Bob: Heh, it's called card advantage, kid. Restora: One of many lessons you've taught over the years. But we still have much to see. Panel 5 Restora and Bob are silhouetted against a new screen: footage from Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, with commentary coming from the screen. In the real footage of this game, Marshall Sutcliffe is the commentator being quoted. Commentator/Marshall Sutcliffe (off-screen): Here we go, Dark Confidant on the battlefield for Reid Duke - Bob: Oh yeah, the glory days. Restora: You remember? Bob: Of course I do. Panel 6 Bob and Restora look up and around them as screens swirl with scenes from past competitive events where Dark Confidant played a key role in the meta-game. Bob smiles fondly as the voices of commentators fill the background, and he counts his victories on his fingers. Commentator (off-screen):...Maelstrom Pulse revealed with Bob to clear those tokens... Commentator (off-screen):...He'll have to spend precious removal on that Dark Confidant... Commentator (off-screen):...Bob getting in the red zone, that two power coming in clutch here... Bob: Five Pro-Tour Top Eights, and three wins. Modern, Standard, Extended - I was always there. Restora: Greatness indeed. Bob: Yeah... Panel 7 Bob’s face is overcast, but he smiles sadly as he grips his staff tightly. The view is close-up on his expression, the memories of his past triumphs still visible on screens behind him. Bob: Look, thanks for the walk down memory lane. Commentator (off-screen):...And that's why they call him "the Great One"! Bob: Let's just call it here. Text: To be continued...
Published On: January 12, 2024

2 thoughts on “Tales from the Mana Crypt #88 – It’s a Magical Life Part 5

  1. You make me emotional about a card i never played. Thank you very much and GOOD WORK!

    1. Gosh, thank you so much! So glad it resonated with you <3

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