TftMC 91 Tales from the Mana Crypt #91 It's a Magical Life Part 8 Panel 1 Bob pinches the bridge of his nose and throws a hand up in resignation. Bob: I'm done. I'm not going to just settle for pity play. Restora, floating nearby, puts her hands out and offers a weak smile in the face of Bob’s pessimism. Restora: It's not pity, Bob. They chose you, truly and sincerely. Bob: That's the problem! Panel 2 Bob whips his head around to look over his shoulder and snarls at Restora. Bob: They're making bad choices! Why would I care what they think?! Panel 3 Close up of Restora, showing just the lower half of her face and upper torso. Stark shadows are cast across her figure. Her lip is tense, her mouth a stern line. Restora: Oh, you idiot. Bob (Off-Screen):...What was that? Panel 4 Restora snaps, clenching her fists and looming over Bob. All around and behind her, memory screens swirl with images of people who still love and play Dark Confidant. Bob looks around, frantic and shocked at the sudden change in Restora’s demeanor. Restora: I said, you're an idiot. They sleeved you up, downsides and all. That isn't a bad choice just because you hate yourself. Is your ambition so small that you can only envy the past? Meanwhile, you spout off about greatness - Panel 5 Close up of Bob’s eye. Reflected in it, we see a hand sleeving up a copy of Dark Confidant. Restora (Off-Screen): Face reality Bob. What do you see? Panel 6 A memory screen showing a group of friends and family, laughing together as they play Magic. The person holding the card from the previous panel is Ron, from Tales from the Mana Crypt #84, Panel 1. On the screen, Dark Confidant’s shadow is visible, his forearm covering his eyes, wiping away tears. Bob:...Dammit. Don't make me say it.
Published On: February 9, 2024

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