Tales from the Mana Crypt #92 It's a Magical Life Part 9 Panel 1 Bob/Dark Confidant stands facing away from Restora, who is aglow with bright light, as reality fractures around her. Dark Confidant, eyes closed and gathering himself after an emotional catharsis, does not notice. Bob: ...I should be getting back to my world. Thanks for the tough love, felt like I - Panel 2 Dark Confidant is back on the bridge that he was standing on when Restora found him. At the edges of this panel are cracks like looking through broken glass. Dark Confidant looks around, confused, as a long shadow stretches toward him. Bob: ...Restora? Hello? Off-Screen, from the source of the shadow: Bob...we've been looking for you... Panel 3 Bob whips around to the source of the voice, still unseen to the reader, shocked and alarmed. Bob: Wha- it's you! But how...?! Panel 4 Leaving the world of Magic, a pair of hands in real life on Earth are holding a Dark Confidant and Arcbound Ravager, as they flip through a stack of magic cards, drafting. Drafter: Woah! How is this still here? Panel 5 Narration: Earth, at a holiday cube draft: Zooming out, the drafter was Ron from the very first installment of this story, a man who was deciding which magic cards to pack for a holiday visit to see his family. Surrounding him are several of his relatives, one with a buzzcut in the foreground and one wearing a turtleneck beside him. They are partway through a cube draft, passing cards back and forth to each other. Turtleneck relative: It's my way of saying "thanks for building this cube". Also, I'm forcing Mono-Blue mill. Buzzcut relative: Yeah, thanks man! What inspired you? Ron: It was my pleasure, seriously! It feels like Magic has so many changes lately. I just wanted a place to jam all of our old favourites! Panel 6 Narration: Later, during game 3 of the last match: Ron is playing a game of magic against another relative, wearing a Fedora. His hand is over his library, when his buzzcut relative drops by. Ron: Okay, upkeep... Buzzcut relative: Y'all almost done? We're doing carols soon! Panel 7 Zooming in on Ron’s board state, we see Dark Confidant and Kiki Jiki, Mirror Breaker in play. Ron’s hand still rests over his library as he chats with his relative. Ron (Off-screen): I might die right now to my Bob trigger...Otherwise, the board is pretty stalled. Buzzcut Relative (Off-screen): Okay, just come join whenever you're done. Thought bubble: Wow, this was exactly what I needed...
Published On: March 8, 2024

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