Tales from the Mana Crypt #99 – Breaking News A Magic: the Gathering Comic Panel 1: A man in a dinosaur costume with a cowboy hat is walking down the street – Timmy, Power Gamer. A boy in a newsboy cap advertises a newspaper – the Prosperity Post from Thunder Junction. On it, we see the Breaking News printing of the card Skullcrack. Timmy looks sideways at at the newsboy as he passes. Newsboy: Extra, extra! Local ogre's Skull Cracked with another skull! Read it all in the Prosperity Post! Panel 2: Timmy walks past the same newsboy, now holding two newspapers – the Breaking News printings of Terminal Agony and Mindslaver, both depicting gristly fates befitting their names. Timmy looks increasingly disturbed. Newsboy: Get your daily news! Sheriff found disintegrated, medics confirm he died in Terminal Agony! Innocent bystander found with his Mind Enslaved! Panel 3: The newsboy throws newspapers in the air, gleefully announcing the tragic stories of the day. On the papers, we see the Breaking News printings of Cruel Ultimatum and Decimate. Timmy looks dumbstruck as he looks on. Newsboy: Train senselessly derailed, passengers Decimated! Other, unrelated train explodes after angry dragon offers a Cruel Ultimatum! Tragic loss of life, as the death toll on Thunder Junction continues to climb! Read all about it! Panel 4: Cutting to real life, Timmy is playing Magic on Magic Arena, having just had a Cruel Ultimatum cast against him. He looks melancholic. Spike, a young woman with short, sideswept hair, cracks open a beer as they chat. Timmy: Do you ever feel like everything is bad and you can't do anything about it? Spike: No, it's called playing to your outs. Timmy, are you reading the news? Timmy: Sort of.
Published On: May 3, 2024

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