Tales from the Mana Crypt #93 It's a Magical Life Part 10 Panel 1 Narration: In the realm of magic, as the game continues: Returning to the realm of Magic, we see the source of the thought bubble from the previous page – Dark Confidant (Bob), along with several other Magic creatures, including the Kiki Jiki in play beside him, and a Tarmogoyf. Bob: ...Thanks again guys. still can't believe you all got a request through to have us in the same cube. Tarmogoyf: We're just glad you liked the idea! You should have seen your face when we surprised you! Panel 2 Tarmogoyf’s narration leads into the memory of what happened when Restora returned Bob to his world: the long shadow being cast was from his friends, out looking for him. Tarmogoyf, Goblin Guide, and Vendilion Clique are all there to show Bob their application to be played in a cube together. Bob (off-screen): Your size changes so often, it's hard to tell it's you, Goyf. Panel 3 Back in the present, a giant avatar of Ron - the person playing in real life – looms over Bob. This version of Ron has starlight in his shadows, like a Therosian god. His words in real life echo down into the realm of Magic as he prepares to reveal the card for his Dark Confidant trigger. Bob grins as his hand crackles with magic. Ron: ...Okay, Bob trigger... Bob: That's my cue! Panel 4 In the real world, Ron flips over a Restoration Angel. In view on the table are the Dark Confidant and Kiki-Jiki. Ron: BAM! Panel 5 Ron and his Fedora-wearing relative look down at the board state. His relative smiles at Ron’s good luck, but Ron looks confused. In the background, singing can be heard from the other room as his family launches into a rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Fedora relative: Wait, you have Kiki-Jiki, that's infinite! Good timing, I hear them singing. Ron: Hold on, something's off with this Resto - Singing (in background): Should old acquaintance be forgot, Panel 6 Singing (in background): And never brought to mind? The singing continues as Ron holds up the copy of Restoration close to his face, confusion visible as he inspects the card. Ron: ...Did Restoration Angel always have flavour text? Fedora relative (Off-screen): Are you doing a bit? What, does it say "get good"?? Panel 7 The singing in the background fades into narration as the perspective returns to the Realm of Magic. Tarmogoyf and Dark Confidant look on at infinite angels being produced by Kiki-Jiki, gleefully holding his mirror aloft. Narration (in song): Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne? Tarmogoyf: Wow, I guess it's true what they say – every time someone topdecks a win, an angel gets its wings! Bob, thinking: ...If you say so, Goyfie.
Published On: March 8, 2024

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