Tales from the Mana Crypt #97 – Criminality A Magic the Gathering Comic Panel 1: A man dressed like Baral from Kaladesh is in handcuffs and a cowboy hat (Clyde Counterspell), while an elemental who looks like Ashling the Pilgrim (Bonnie Burn) is beside him, also in handcuffs. They both look irritated as a voice booms down at them. Voice, Off-Panel: Bonnie Burn & Clyde Counterspell, you're under arrest for inciting terror with untapped mana. Clyde: Bronson, I had to counter your game winning spell! Bonnie: And I removed a lethal attacker! Panel 2: A person dressed like Bruvac the Grandiloquent with a Hedron Crab sitting on their shoulder (Millie the Kid) is hunched over, hands cuffed, as they plead, with the same voice booming down at them. Voice, Off-Panel: Millie the Kid, you and your crabs have multiple counts of dumping my cool cards into the graveyard. Millie: Just pretend it was on the bottom of your library! I know you have recursion in your deck, Bronson! Panel 3: A rabbit-folk that resembles Kwain, Itinerant Meddler is wearing a cowboy hat and has their hands cuffed (Group-Hug Hayes). They yelp in annoyance as a voice booms down at them. Voice, Off-Panel: Group-Hug Hayes. You didn't Secret Rendezvous with me. Hayes: Bronson, you were the archenemy!! Panel 4: The source of the voice from the previous panels is revealed to be a Dinosaur in a cowboy hat, who angrily admonishes the previous characters. It becomes evident from his language that these characters are all Magic players in a commander game. Text: Bronson Battlecruiser Bronson: Your interaction has been a thorn in my side this whole commander game! Well thanks to WotC, I can call it what it is: crimes! Panel 5: Group-Hug Hayes bargains with Bronson Battlecruiser, whose nose can just be seen in frame. Group-Hug Hayes: Okay, we're all friends, clearly we just had mismatched expectations. why don't we play some horde magic or something? Bronson: ...Okay. Sorry, I had a bad day and took it out on you. I guess I can cancel my game with those guys who said they were law-abiding citizens. Panel 6: A man who looks like Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant (Rufus McWrath), and one who looks like Grand Arbiter Augustin IV (Sawyer Stax) are both reading from a scroll, looking upset. They both have cowboy hats. Rufus McWrath: Ugh, another cancelled game! why does this keep happening, Sawyer Stax? Sawyer Stax: It's not us, Rufus McWrath, it's them.
Published On: April 12, 2024

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