Tales from the Mana Crypt #85 It's a Magical Life Part 2 Panel 1: Dark Confidant, a.k.a Bob is seated at a bar surrounded by other former all-stars of Modern. Vendilion Clique, Goblin Guide, and Tarmogoyf all fly or sit around him, with drinks scattered across the bartop. Vendilion Clique: So, whatcha gonna do? Bob: I don't know... I just wish we could all go back to the glory days. Goblin Guide: Bob just need guide! Still good value! Bob: Not unless I've got an ETB, cheat on mana – or more than 1 toughness! Tarmogoyf: Players still love you – you're a part of magic history! Bob: Maybe I don't want to be history Goyf, maybe I want to be great! ...Sorry. Panel 2: Bob leaves the bar, and the silhouettes of his friends, Goblin Guide and Vendilion Clique are visible, whispering to each other with concern. Bob: ...I'm getting heated. I'll take a walk. Panel 3: Bob walks outside, crossing a bridge and looking at the reflection of the night sky in the water as snow falls overhead. We see him from the back, his face hidden from view. Bob (thinking):...Maybe those guys heckling me were right. Panel 4: Bob looks up toward the sky, his face shadowed with anxiety. The moon and stars are directly overhead as he thinks to himself. Bob (thinking): I'm better off as store credit – at least I'd be making someone happy. Bob: If anyone's listening, I wish... Panel 5: Elsewhere, in a space of darkness filled with stars, the words of Bob the Dark Confidant are heard by an omniscient mote of Light. This Light voices their concerns – worries like those of the Dark Confidant are their responsibilities to deal with. Bob (thoughts, off-screen):...I wish I'd never been printed. Light: Oh dear. Bring Restora, the second-tier angel to me. Narrator: Beyond space and time, Dark Confidant is heard. Panel 6: The silhouette of Restoration Angel, a.k.a. Restora is visible – though without her wings. She floats against the same expanse of stars and darkness as the Light speaks in the space around her. Restora: You called for me? Light: Yes, Restora. A card in the realms below needs our help. Restora: Water damage? Light: No, worse. he thinks he's unplayable. Both cards and players are pleading on his behalf. Panel 7: Zooming in on her Restora, her features become visible. Her eyes are permanently closed, but she has an eager expression with a bright smile. Light: Help him, and you will finally earn your wings. Restora: Oh! I'll do my darndest!
Published On: December 29, 2023

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