Tales from the Mana Crypt #87 It's a Magical Life Part 4 Panel 1 Bob speaks to Restora, who is just off-screen, his eyes wide with surprise and a hint of disbelief. Bob: You're an angel? But you don't even have flying! Restora (off-screen): Yes I am, and no, not yet. If I can help you, I'll earn my wings. Panel 2 With the same view as the previous panel, Bob’s expression changes to one of anticipation and excitement, thinking that Restora might solve his problem. Bob: You're going to make me playable again? What'll it be? More toughness? An ETB? Flash? Restora (off-screen): There will be no power level errata. We do not do that. Except for companions... Panel 3 Bob’s expression changes back to one of annoyance, as this time, he points a finger at Restora. Bob: So why are you here? Ugh – let me guess. You'll show me how bad things are, if I was never printed, so I learn to be grateful. Restora wrings her hair out in the foreground, the river-water dripping out. Restora: No no, worlds without you are just fine. Panel 4 A close-up on Bob’s eyes as he reacts to Restora’s comment, before being promptly cut off. Bob: What? How dare - Restora raises her hands and images of cards are conjured all around her – glimpses at cards in alternate realities, perhaps. Her pose is reminiscent of the card art for Behold the Multiverse. Restora: Strange isn't it? With infinite combinations, each card's life touches so many others – including yours. Without you, there would be a completely different history – different decks, metas, synergies. But who can say that one such world is better than another? Panel 5 Bob throws his hands up and scoffs at what Restora is saying. Bob: So, I don't make a difference, thanks! That really helps me out! I bet you're getting your wings, any minute now! Restora grabs Bob’s staff and a crackling light emerges where she holds it. Restora: My apologies, I was unclear. I will show you - Panel 6 Restora pulls Bob, and transports him to an extra-planar space. The barrier between the two spaces shatters like glass as the two float, and all around them, silhouettes of people playing Magic the Gathering are visible on screens. Bob looks around, in shock and awe, as Restora’s dress and hair billow around him. Restora: - The world where you do make a difference. Ignore hypothetical worlds where Dark Confidant was never printed – turn your eyes toward the world where it was. Narrator: To be continued...
Published On: December 29, 2023

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