Title: Ambition's Costs Panel 1: Text: 1999 A card designer in round glasses, a bow-tie, and lab coat with slicked back hair is presenting to a group of people, whose heads are visible only in silhouette. Behind them, there is a projector screen with the cards Palinchron, Frantic Search, Rewind, and Peregrine Drake displayed. Designer: Okay, we've learned our lesson from Force of Will that free spells are too strong. That's why for Urza's Block, the "free" spells will require mana up front, and untap your lands after. Panel 2: Text: 2009 The same designer from the previous panel has lost the bow-tie and looks more haggard, with hints of stubble. He points to screens with the cards Bloodbraid Elf, Violent Outburst, and Ardent Plea displayed on them. Designer: Okay, so we've learned that refunding mana is also broken. So with this new Cascade mechanic, the spells will be random! Panel 3: Text: 2011 The card designer now has long, unkempt hair, a visible stubble, and is shaking with over-caffeination. On the screens behind them are the cards Mental Misstep, Birthing Pod, Phyrexian Metamorph, and Dismember. The silhouette of his audience is now sweating and nervous. Designer: Okay, we've learned our lesson from Urza's Block, Affinity, pitch spells, the Pacts, and Cascade, that free spells are too strong. So for New Phyrexia, we'll make sure they cost mana, and only the color pip can be paid with life. Panel 4: Text: 2023 The card designer leans in close to the reader's pov, as if they are the audience now. He looks gaunt and malnourished, with dark circles under his eyes. There is darkness all around him. He brandishes a single card: Quintorius Kand, his eyes crazed and conspiratorial. Designer: Okay, I know we've had complaints about cheating mana with spells like Once Upon a Time, the MH2 Elementals, the Ikoria commander spells, Fires of Invention, Boros Convoke, Tibalt's Trickery, the MH2 Suspend spells, Mishra's Bauble, and Hogaak - but hear me out, Cascade 2: Elephant Boogaloo.
Published On: December 1, 2023

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